Re: [CH] Word of the day

Richard Williams (
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 00:19:39 -0800

On Wednesday 05 February 2003 16:19, VoodooChile wrote:

> Try barking when on an elevator or just looking at someone while
> patting your head and rubbing your belly.  Often they give you all the
> space you need.  If you're really effective, you may even get some
> change or few bucks...
> Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......

This is <extremely> effective. Some years back I was an avid steelhead and 
salmon fisherman. Trouble was, a lot of other people were too, thus there was 
a LOT of competition for the best spots to fish. One day I went to my 
favorite spot, only to find a lot of people pounding the water. I decided to 
wait for the crowd to clear out, meanwhile I indulged myself with a mix of 
mind-altering substances...some hours later, befuddled and impatient, I 
decided to force the issue. I made my preparations and stepped to the river 
bank...dressed only in a hat and hip boots. That crowd scattered faster than 
roaches when the light comes on, one gentleman was so startled that he fell 
in the river. Oddly enough, he didn't want my help in getting out...people 
are so strange. 

Ended up going home with a 15 pound summer run steelhead, a hangover, and an 
unusual sunburn...
