[CH] WAS: I.D this pepper NOW Tepins

The Lash (info@thelash.com)
Sat, 08 Feb 2003 09:50:38 -0500

At 12:41 AM 2/8/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>Actually, if you pronounce vowels in Spanish they are:
>U= Ooh

Correct in one sense, incorrect in that, just as with English, there is the 
"right" way to speak it, and the way it is really spoken- "you say tomayto, 
I say tomahto..." - and who really says wed-nes-day, and not wensday?

>Therefore Tilde is pronounced Teelday (long e and long a) and I'm an expert
>because I took two years of Espanol about 45 years ago.

I took 6 years of Spanish 20 years ago, so I win- plus I have several 
Santana CDs...

I found a local market that sells bags of dried tepins- I have never had 
them before- they're not all that hot, but have a cool "flash-burn"- are 
the fresh ones any hotter? I'm going to try growing them this year-

Rob K
Celtic Mayhem From America
Illegitimati non carborundum!