Re: [CH] Debate at Our House

Dan Gillis (
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 22:11:03 -0500

I happen to think that Tabasco is much hotter than Franks.  I'm a hab eater
at heart, and contrary to the many anti-tabascites out there, I think
Tabasco is a great everyday/everywhere sauce.  I'd ask for it over Franks at
any restaurant when you can't get anything else or when my stash of habanero
powder is empty... and for that matter I ask for it when there ARE other
things available.

I also agree that the aging process is the key with Tabasco.  We have a
bottle at the house that we treat like sourdough.. that is, we always save
some to put into the next batch.  I don't want to tell you how long we've
been doing this, may just be too gross.

Anyway.. my vote is for Tabasco being hotter.

----- Original Message -----
From: "RisaG" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 6:45 PM
Subject: [CH] Debate at Our House

> Steve & I have been having this debate for years and
> it is getting on my nerves. So, I thought I would post
> it here and see what other chile-heads think.
> The debate is...
> Is Tabasco hotter than Frank's Red Hot?
> I find both of them have no heat really but he seems
> to feel that Tabasco is very hot and Frank's just has
> wonderful taste and very little heat. What do you
> think?
> I can't be judgemental anymore as my tongue no longer
> feels any heat from the Tabasco bottle. years ago it
> did but I still felt it had no real discernable heat
> then either.
> What do you think?
> =====
> RisaG
> Risa's Food Service
> Updated 2/07/03
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