[CH] warm welcome

Norman L. Carroll (nlcarr@centralva.net)
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 20:23:08 -0500

Thank you all for you welcome.

I appreciate it and am grateful.

As to being moderate or otherwise.  I don't have
enough experience to pick.  If my past is any indication,
it is very possible that I will have likes and dislikes all
across the heat spectrum.

As to my name.  I answer to all kinds of names.   (My Father was
in the navy as was I)  "Norm" is fine so is "Norman".  I have also
been called "Moose", "Dinosaur", "Big Foot" and several more
descriptive but less flattering names.  I answer to them all without
taking any of it in anything but good humor.

What peppers will I be growing this year?  There are so many
choices.  There will be a few Habaneros.  A patch of "NU MEX Big Jim",
for a friend in New York.  Some "Long Slim Red Cayenne", "Datil", "Bishops
Crown" and "Hanoi Market Orange".  These will be spread around my Garden,
yard, and family farm.

As to recipes.  Well, I will try anything that seems to appeal to me.
keeping the warning of one member in mind, I will refrain from passing on
any.  I may just send a url to where I found it or what book it came from
leave it at that.

Again I thank you all for your warm welcome.


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