RE: [CH] Re-using Seed Trays

T. Matthew Evans (
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 15:57:08 -0500

Would you mind elaborating on damp off?  I'm not exactly sure what this is.
As for the "half-strength shot of chamomile tea", how do you accomplish
this?  Several list members have suggested this (in this thread and others),
but I have never been exactly sure what the deal was.  Thanks.


T. Matthew Evans
Research Assistant
Geosystems Group, School of CEE
Georgia Institute of Technology

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Farr []
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:49 PM
To: RisaG
Cc: T. Matthew Evans; tucker;
Subject: Re: [CH] Re-using Seed Trays

Hmmmmm - I never scrub my trays, haven't had a dis/ease prob. yet!
Anyone else out there have disease when you don't wash yr trays???

BTW, if I raise 'em inside, the wet conditions are conducive to damp
off.  To treat, I turn on the overhead fan, and give 'em all a
half-strength shot of chamomille tea.

I b'live this was Lord Byron's recommendation.  And boy does it work
well -

Robert Farr
The Chile Man
(540) 668-7160

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