[CH] Outdoor fun

Tue, 4 Mar 2003 21:20:12 -0000

   This morning I was standing on my front porch when I
noticed my cat was sitting quite still 5 ft. up in the
maple tree (he goes outdoors as that is natural for him).
I waited silently to see what had his attention.
   Down from the upper branches came a tree rat, I mean,
squirrel.  It got to within five feet of Obadiah (our
feline Defender of the Hearth) when it saw him and beat a
hasty retreat back up the tree.  I was saddened, but only
for a moment.
   The squirrel, with its normal egress route blocked, 
climbed out on a thin branch.  It paused briefly and made
a jump towards the streetlight pole in the yard (the little
buggers go up and down the wooden pole all the time).
   In a rare exhibition of furry-tailed ineptitude, the
creature missed the light fixture.  It missed the entire
pole.  It proceeded to plummet 30 feet to the street below,
where it executed a nearly flawless furry-bellied belly flop
on the asphalt.  There was a most satisfying (for me, anyway)
"WHUMP" on impact.
   Surprisingly and sadly, (for me, anyway), it didn't die,
but scampered immediately across the street to take refuge in
the neighbor's mighty oak trees.  I hope it tells all its
compatriots that my yard is no longer safe.
   It is my sincerest hope that Obadiah will continue to prowl
the yard, keeping the tree vermin away from my tomatoes and

Scott... Plan B (air rifle) waiting in the wings... KCK