Re: [CH] oven full of habs

Alex Silbajoris (
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 17:58:14 +0000

>From: "VoodooChile" <>

>so, when them mailman came to your door, did he run away screaming? Paper 
>boy? Milk man (guess they don't have milk men anymore)(hey, I'm not *that* 
>damned old...I heard stories, yeah...).

You know I did that when no one else was home, and I could have a breeze 
blowing through the place.  The oven temp was set too low to toast the 
peppers, and the apartment got a hab smell that lasted for hours after each 
batch.  It took two or three days to process them all.  Now I have big bags 
of them.

I remember a milkman coming around when I was a kid, even bread delivery.

- A

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