[CH] Re:

tucker (tucker@ticon.net)
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:28:01 -0600

Alexandra Soltow wrote:

> I guess I must be one of those, too....I plant two seeds to a 2" pot,
> assuming that at least one will germinate, and if they both germinate, the
> idea is to snip off the weaker of the two. But I can't do that - I just let
> them both grow. They always seem to do just fine that way out in the garden
> - kind of like Siamese twin plants.
> Alex

  Thanks Alex,

  I always wondered how much impact that would have on plant growth and production.  Maybe
I'll just leave them be this year, instead of trying to carefully separate them.  That'll
save me time, energy, and garden space... or money on more containers.

C-H # 2099 & First Lieutenant of the Moderate Corps