[CH] Sort of OT- Red Achiote

Linda Panter (lipant@rogers.com)
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 21:42:15 -0400

Sort of OT but maybe not....?  I have a packet of seasonings and chile 
seeds that I received as part of a gift. One packet is "red achiote".  It 
contains little hard granules about the size of whole black peppercorns, or 
a bit smaller, but rough in shape as though they were freeze dried. (They 
aren't... just in a plastic bag.)

What do I do with them? Are they seeds for planting or some kind of 
seasonings that I crush in a mortar and pestle? I seem to remember achiote 
as a Mexican seasoning but I have no idea what form these are.

Help, anyone?

TIA.... Linda