RE: [CH] Fish Pepper Question

T. Matthew Evans (
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 15:20:31 -0400

Risa --

I am growing fish pepper for the first time this year -- I don't
specifically recall what the seedlings look like, though.  I will take some
pictures this evening and e-mail them to you off list.


T. Matthew Evans
Geosystems Group, School of CEE
Georgia Institute of Technology

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of RisaG
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 2:59 PM
Subject: [CH] Fish Pepper Question

Has anyone on the list grown the Fish Pepper??? If so,
I have a question for you.

I got some seeds through a private swap. I planted 3
seeds and they all germinated. I have been watching
the plants grow and now they are 2-3" tall each. But
there is something strange with the leaves. I know
that they are supposed to be variegated and they are.
But...there are 2 parts to each plant!

When they started growing, the original 2 leaves were
a bit more pointy than normal chile leaves. Now that
they are a bit bigger, another part of the plant has
grown on each one - with 4 normal chile leaves.

Is this normal? I have no digital camera and can't
privately email anyone with a picture.

I was wondering if this is normal. I have checked
websites with pictures and none of them show the
growth of the plant - just the unripe pods and ripe
pods with some of the variegated leaves on the plant -
not close enough to see the bottom of the plants.

If these aren't chiles, then what are they?? The rest
of the plant looks like chile. I know I grew nothing
else in the greenhouse (one of those window ones) and
I used fresh seed starter mixture. I also used bleach
on the greenhouses earlier this spring and no other
plants were in the greenhouses.

Strange looking plant. If it is the right thing, they
will be very interesting to watch grow.


Risa's Food Service
Updated 4/18/03

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