Re: Fw: [CH] Seedling help... anyone???

tucker (
Sun, 04 May 2003 21:43:56 -0500

Rob Pieters wrote:

> Hi Erich,
> I can tell you Last year I had a red Manzano who I treaded so badly that it
> lost all leaves in one day!! (not kidding)
> After bringing them him outside, I placed this one (by accident) on a very
> draughty corner of our house.
> The wind and sun dried all leaves in one day and found them folded and crisp
> dry around the stem.
> I thought it was lost but did kept on watering... don't ask me why.... and
> after 4-5 days tiny new leaves showed up ... and grew up as a very healthy
> plant whit plenty of fruit.
> Hot regards
> Rob NL

  Thanks Rob,

  So far, none look like they are definitely toast, judging by the stems, but there are a
couple that will really surprise me if they do completely bounce back.  I think it's my own
fault for having glasses that darken in the sun... I tend to not notice how intense the sun
really is sometimes due to that...  poor little guys.

C-H # 2099 & First Lieutenant of the Moderate Corps