[CH] Tabasco pepper jelly.

Mark Barringer (mdogdrum@earthlink.net)
Wed, 7 May 2003 19:35:56 -0400

I know, I have been kind of inactive on this list lately. It’s not that I am
ignoring you all; it’s just that I have been dealing with life’s ups and
downs. Don’t worry, I read the daily digest regularly. Ya’ll RAWK!
Have any of you have tried pepper jelly? I received two jars of it as
Christmas presents, and found a great use for it: My hand rubbed grilled
lamb chops.
For each chop:
2 cloves garlic
2 pinch rosemary
2 pinch lemon pepper
Lime juce
Press clove garlic, pinch rosemary and pinch lemon pepper on each side of
chop. Rub with fingertips, then stab several times with a fork.  Place on
medium low grill and cook until desired doneness. If you like that smokey
taste, add chipotle powder to you preparation procedure.
The Tabasco pepper jelly is a nice substitute as a condiment over the usual
mint jelly.