Re: [CH] Avocado-Jalapeno Dip

Paul Wilson (
Fri, 16 May 2003 17:27:19 -0700

Friday, 5/16/2003, 5:22 PM

Hi Alex, and chile-heads,
you wrote about:' Avocado-Jalapeno Dip'

AS>  have a little Susi floating-piston garlic press (almost as good as the one
AS> my Mom has, which is older than me) and I've used it for onions as well as
AS> garlic.  I'll have to try some chopped up pepper in it sometime.

I  use  a  garlic press for chilies all the time. Cut a Red Savina or a Cherry
Bomb  in  quarters  and  juice  it  right on the meat on the grill. Then after
turning  the  meat  juice again and spread the rest of the pepper right on the
steak,  burger  or  chicken. My wife makes me use a separate plate, can't take
any chances on her chicken getting "contaminated". ;)
 Talk to you later,
I am amazed Charles Schumer's knuckles don't bleed when he walks.
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