[CH] Smoking chiles and dead animals

Frank J. Hashek (fhashek@comcast.net)
Thu, 22 May 2003 21:10:27 -0500


If anyone has any advice on smokers, I would like some input.  I will use it
for smoking some chiles (seasonally), smoke cooking of various veggies and
for animal carcasses.

I am looking at getting a two chamber smoker to be able to slow smoke at low

There are two basic designs available, one with a small and large chamber
joined horizontally and another with a small fire chamber set horizontally
joined to a square vertical cabinet.

If the fact that I will only sometimes use it for chiles is too far OT,
please e-mail me offline.

Also a few good links to BBQ sites/e-mail lists where I might learn more
would be appreciated.


PETA is People Eating Tasty Animals