Re: [CH] YKYAMI whaaaa?

Gary Bellinger (
Sun, 25 May 2003 12:42:38 -0400

> Doug Irvine wrote:
> > G'wan Erich, Sandy O and you are just simply CHs in training! Boot camp
> > kids??? So perhaps a better designation would be a simple BCK after your
> > names, and of course Tom Price would have to start a new card list!
> > Cheers, the old guy in BC :-)
>   I...  Agh... Wha...???  Nonsense.  "In training" indeed.  You sir, are
...  Oh heck.
> Sandy, you're our leader, you field this one.
> --
> Erich
> C-H # 2099 & First Lieutenant of the Moderate Corps
Ah now now Erich, you know someday you will be lured over to the dark side
one day. It may be the next time you visit Wally mart? It may be the next
day you are at your local nursery buying pepper plants? Could be the next
time you are on your patio with friends who have brought over some hot
sauce? Could be any number of ways! We have agents all across North America
and the world. We are a patient lot us legions of the hot pepper. Who's next
for conversion.

CH #2169, Infantrymen of the Hellfire Brigade