Re: [CH] transplanting time

kuhlwlf (
Wed, 04 Jun 2003 14:55:20 -0600

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Yikes!  Surely even Rael would have to avoid THAT kind of burn!

At 03:39 PM 6/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>>I thought it was standard Chilehead wisdom that when you can comfortably 
>>sit naked in the dirt in the garden, then it's time to put out the chile 
>Good philosophy.  I guess it wouldn't matter what my neighbors thought if 
>they saw me "testing" the garden since they already think I'm crazy to 
>grow "that hot stuff."  However, around here we have to watch out for 
>those nasty fire ants ( 
>before we sit down, especially if we're "testing."    ;-)
>Mike  (C-H #36, hab seed intact)
>Carpe Capsicum!
>(My words, not NASA's)

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