[CH] Too Good To Keep Quiet About!

Sandy Olson (sandyo@wctatel.net)
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 16:20:51 -0500

Just had to pass this along....Our own Jim Campbell has given himself an
appropriate title to go along with mine and Tucker's.

He's now.......Proud Sponsor of the Moderate Corps, Patron Saint of the

Thanks, Jim, for raising the moderate banner a big notch higher.

Now, if there is anyone else out there who wants to fall in to the ranks of
the Moderate Corp...just think of a mighty title and step out there proudly
for all to envy and adore.

Walter....you are forever suspect...eating all that hab sauce and calling it
the remedy for the onset of moderation!  Shame on you.  Moderation does not
set upon one...we're born with it!  And a happy lot we are...remember, we
hardly ever wet our pants at inopportune moments, or even at opportune
moments for that matter!

CH #1146 and Grand Poobah of the Moderate Corps