[CH] Open Fields 2003 Poster

Tue, 17 Jun 2003 20:46:47 -0500

Well folks, the new 2003 Open Fields Poster is finally up on my site. 
Those of you wishing to help out with the event, needing a souvenier of
the event, wanting to help out even though you can't attend, or just
needing a really cool poster can cruise by the site & check it out.

Not enough thanks can go to Jeff Schickowski for coming up with the
design.  Thanks also to Tom Cuneo for getting it onto the web site :-)

You can find it at www.wildpepper.com/specials.html  I don't believe
this qualifies as spam since this is a 'charity event'.  Anyone thinking
it does is more than welcome to contact me off list.

I'd also appreciate some more suggestions for future events... provided
there are any ;-)

So far we've had:

2001 A Space Podessey
2002 Garden of Heatin'
2003 Field of Screams

Anybody got any more suggestions?  I know that these were suggested in
an earlier thread on this (sometime two years ago) and that there were
many others.  I've slept since then though ;-)  Thanks in advance.

I guess this will also serve as the second reminder of the event.  Held
Sept 27th & 28th (sorry Chip- I announced mine first ;-) in Central
Indiana.  Come one, come all.  4,950 plants representing about 40
varieties will be in the ground for your pleasure.

Thanks again all!

-Jim C
Mild to Wild