Re: [CH] LO

Rael64 (
Wed, 18 Jun 2003 07:01:27 -0700 (PDT)

--- Aki_Eräluoto <> wrote:
> I'm new member of this list
> And I only wanted to say hello to all ;)
> I'm Indoor Chili farmer from Finland ;) 

Cool!  Welcome to the best list in the world.  If it
has to do with chiles/chilis (let's not open that
topic), it belongs here.  Food w/chiles, cats
w/chiles, sex w/chiles, Twister [TM!] w/chiles, and on
and on and on...

Peace, Hendix, and Chiles.......

Monk of the TCS
Master of Twister
Mystic Order of Capsicum Rogues
Cave Canem (woof)

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