[CH] Mourning lost Chocolate Habs

Dan Gillis (DanGillis@earthlink.net)
Thu, 19 Jun 2003 19:48:11 -0400

Helen and I had been growing a nice variety of peppers indoors this spring
due to the HORRIBLE growing conditions up here in New England.  One variety
we were really looking forward to was our Chocolate Habaneros, the first
we've ever grown.

After starting them from seed, babying them with some grow lights and
capillary matting, we decided it was time to transplant them into some pots
and to give them a shot in the great outdoors.  After a few days of dreary
weather, the sun came out in full force a couple of days ago.. and our
Chocolate Habs are no more.  Sunburnt to a crisp.  The irony of it is beyond

We still have the limp, yellow, crispy leaved plants in their pots... hoping
beyond hope that they will come back to life.

So tonight I pay homage to our lost habs.  Those wonderful brown pods of
