Re: [CH] Kneecapped and DMSO

kuhlwlf (
Sun, 13 Jul 2003 09:29:01 -0600

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Years ago when I worked with a bunch of loggers up in Oregon, lots of them 
used some stuff called DMSO on sore muscles and joints.  I believe it was a 
horse liniment but not exactly approved for human use.
What was so good about it though, was it's penetrative powers.  Really 
amazing.  Within seconds of touching the stuff, it goes through your body 
so that you can even taste it in your mouth.   Kind of too bad it has such 
a strong nasty smell and taste, though, yuck!  Anyway, the smell kind of 
took some getting used to.

This  kneecap thread had me thinking though, what if we soaked minced habs 
in DMSO and then used that for a liniment?   I'll bet the DMSO would 
transport the capsaicin deeper than any other method of application.  And 
the flavor of the habs would surely have to help with the nastly 
smell/taste of the DMSO.

Ok, years from now when they finally get the DMSO controversy figured out 
and somebody makes a million from their patent for DMSOHab cream, you'll 
know I thought of it first!


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