Re: RE: [CH] Is this list still working?
Tue, 25 Nov 2003 15:24:29 -0600

> Subject: RE: [CH] Is this list still working?

Good to see everyone's posts coming through still.
My parents moved this last week from Iowa to Columbus, OH... so between them and you, I was getting zero emails. Starting to wonder if I was even online. *gasp*

My wife has made her annual stand against allowing me to stuff the turkey with Jalapenos. I am only allowed to make my own Habanero vegetable dip, and only if I clearly mark it. And eat it in the other room. Under the cover of darkness.

I am down to my last hot sauce bottle. A fiery bastard named Mad Dog's Inferno. I've been at it for about a month. It's been mixed in just about everything: soups, ketchup, mustard, other hot sauces, even plain. ouch. My voice actually changes pitch if I burn it too much. If I could handle it... I'd be Barry Manilow every night.

I am holding out for the jackpot: Christmas. All of my relatives have my hot-sauce wish list, and I'm holding my breath for some new hot sauces.
