Re: [CH] Contradictions

Mike Benson (
Mon, 16 Feb 2004 13:40:04 -0600

The bleach remedy originates, as far as I know, from one of Jean Andrews books.  I don't dilute
it when I use it, and it works well for me.

As for the milk, a milk protein called casein is supposed to help lift the capsaicinoids off the
burring area.  For me it works best to repeatedly take small sips of  the milk.  It's no where
near an antidote, but I don't think anything is, except time.

> Babs main concern was for the heavy plastic gloves I had used for the
> de-seeding operation. I reasured her that the CH's had affirmed the efficay
> of dilute bleach for removing the accumulation of Chile Oil. Ah, but when
> this old lad gave them a thorough scouring in the dilute bleach, he was
> horrified to find that they still had a heavy coating of Chile Oil. A repeat
> showed that the dilute bleach was not doing what we had been told it would.
> Hmm! Now who was it that gave me that particular piece of information?
> Another point worth noting is that Milk, the much advertised antidote to
> Chile Burn, isn't an antidote at all. After taking a bite of Hab (If Big Jim
> can do it, then why not me?) and finding it a wee bit hotter than
> anticipated. Great flavour, oh yes. But rather hot. I began sweating rather
> profusely and dutifully reached for the milk jug. Standing there with my
> mouth filled to the limit with milk I found that the expected relief was not
> to come. Ten minutes later, still with my mouth full of milk I knew that I
> had chosen a broken reed to rest on. My mouth and throat were still on fire.
> Milk then, is not an antidote to Hab Burn.