RE: [CH] Magic Fire Wand

Alex Silbajoris (
Thu, 08 Jul 2004 22:56:59 +0000

>From: "Mike Benson" <>

>Loss of perception of time

I have learned, from eating habanero products at the Madison hotluck, that 
you pass through a portal into Pain, and you are lost to the world for 
approximately ten minutes.  You can sort of _see_ the world, but you're not 
really _in_  it.  When you return, your eyes are blurry and you are drooling 
and unable to speak clearly.

And you still have a bar tab.

Fortunately, in such a setting, you don't have to be able to articulate your 
desire for more peppers.  You can simply say something like AGGH FWAAH MOAH 
PEPPAH and some sympathetic, sadistic souls will be ready to amuse 
themselves by giving you more.

But then...

But then...

(cue the pop tune) There's Got to be a Morning After...

- A (and don't ask what the A stands for)

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