RE: [CH] RECIPE: _Ash-e Reshteh_

Riley J. McIntire (
Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:51:31 -0700 <Brent Thompson
[]> was compelled to say on Monday, August 30,
2004 9:30 AM :

>> and while I've eaten plenty of good meatless
>> food from this region, I've never had  any main dish that wasn't
>> at least warm, and often rip-your-head-off fiery.
> Interesting.  I have also eaten quite a bit of Persian food,
> both with and
> without the company of people from Iran, and seen several Persian

I've never had _hot_ food in a Persian restaurant either, but come to
think of it have never asked--the Persian's I've dined out with haven't
gone out of their way for heat.

> cookbooks, and as far as I recall, I've gotten no clues that chiles

ditto on the cookbooks..

> are used at all in normal Persian food.  I don't recall detecting

but some Persian friends have a number of family members that love
chiles and spicy food. The old folks grow them and cook with them, and
the 2nd generation grow them, some cook with them, some eat them
straight--Thai and serrano types with some decent heat. 3rd generation
are wusses. They whine. ;-) (1st & 2nd g came from Iran, the 3rd's were
born here.)

> chiles in any Afghani food either, but I only know this cuisine from
> restaurants in USA

Just realized I don't believe I've had Afghani food--will have to remedy
that. Which shouldn't be too hard. Seems every time the US goes to war
with/in a country their cuisine ends up here. /-:

Hot regards,
