[CH] Thank you Jim!

George A. Starkey (gas@kdlegal.com)
Fri, 01 Oct 2004 16:32:43 -0500

OF 2004 was a grand time! And everyone else who came, it was great to
see you, both new and veteran!

Requests for next year? Pepperoncinis!  I've never had them red before,
oh my, what a pleasure! Yes, I know, they are bottom-rung in the
Scoville, but they were sweet as candied red bells!

I can kick myself for not topping my bucket with them-- as it was, I
took home a half bucket of chilepenos. More candy!   They dried in my
oven in about 4 hours, and my house smells like heaven.  tomorrow I'm
going to make a smudge fire with hickory and mesquite, and finish them
off... then it is off to the grinder! Woo!

Rael... Keep studying that Chinese-- we're going to make you ambassador
to China to open their borders to Jim's Finishing Sauce!

George in Indy, just a few klicks north of the Holy Fields...