[CH] Caldo de pollo enchilado

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Wed, 25 May 2005 10:52:07 +0000

I had a bunch of drumsticks on hand, and I planned to make a soup stock.  I 
roasted them in an iron stockpot in the oven at 400F, and when they were 
half done I added some cut up carrot, onion, and two cored jalapenos.

I let it all get nicely roasted, then put the pot on a burner and added 
boiling water to start the stock.  From there it got the usual stock 

The result has a decent little bite, plus a bit of a grassy flavor - which I 
tend to like in a stock anyway, heavy on the celery.

So at this point I have the stock strained (it turned to gelatin in the 
refrigerator overnight) and the meat reserved.  From here I'm thinking of 
trying a tortilla soup, or something similar.  I may use this little carton 
of sauce I bought at my Mexican grocer yesterday (Cuco's, on Henderson) but 
I will probably post about that under a separate subject.

- A