Re: [CH] Another Missing Person

Hobby Farmer (
Wed, 02 Aug 2006 18:47:53 -0400

John, the Mrs. Wages pickle mix package calls for the vinegar and 
water.  It varies between Polish, Kosher and dill, but is about 5 
cups vinegar and 10 cups water.  The mixed up pickle mix stores well 
in the fridge, and some of our other favorites to use it on are 
green beans, asparagus, and , of course, cucumbers.

Hobby Farmer

JohnT wrote:

> Hobby Farmer,
> Question:  No vinegar in your recipe right?  I bought some eggs and am 
> anxious to try.
> You make some of the very best hot sauces ever!  I have some pics of 
> them and hopefully will post them soon.  Not been a good year for me 
> health-wise or would have done so earlier.
> Hot regards,
> JohnT

> Here is my old family secret recipe:
> A dozen large eggs fit nicely in a quart jar
> Boil the eggs about 20 minutes.
> Peel the eggs (unless you like them crunchy)
> Put 3 eggs in the jar.  Add a chile pepper - I use red and green
> serranos - and 3-4 seperated onion rings.  Repeat until the jar is full.
> Tuck in a large clove of garlic and a bay leaf and top with more
> onions and add a couple of drops of CaJohns Frost Bite clear hot sauce.
> Now comes the old family secret part.  Go to the store and find Mrs.
> Wages pickling mix.  I prefer the Polish Dill, but Kosher Dill and
> plain Dill are good, too.  The Ball brand mix is a terrible, IMHO.
> Apply lids and water bath can for 20 minutes.  You really should do
> the water bath step, they will flavor just put in the fridge, but
> the water bath gives them the desired firmness and texture.
> Give them 3-4 weeks on the shelf to age before eating.