Re: [CH] chiles in philly...

Dave Anderson (
Thu, 03 May 2007 21:38:06 -0700

Pretty good story. I haven't seen any Scoville tests for Jalapenos 
lately and I had some in a bowl of Pho this week that were pretty hot. 
Like Janie, most of my customers order the hot stuff. My Hot Hot Hot 
Seed Collection outsells my Ornamental Collection by about 2 to 1. All 
of the other collections trail behind these two.

I had some Red Savinas grown under perfect conditions and some Orange 
Habaneros grown with benign neglect HPLC tested a few years ago. The 
Orange Habs were much hotter. Stress = Heat.

> nice plug for janie, but the seed peddler tells us "The trend is for 
> milder peppers across the U.S.,"...oh really???