Re: [CH] habanero video
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 18:49:44 -0500

I didn't really *bet* them- they were just trash talking each other:
"you gimme $5 I'd eat one".  Of course, none of them had $5 so the
banter went on for several minutes.  I finally slapped a $20 on the hood
of my truck & told them *I'd* pay the $5 if it would shut them up.  They
lined up & I set the conditions:  I got to pick the chile and puking
would mean I kept the money.  The first one ate it & was in *agony*!  he
was running around eating the grass trying to get the burn to quit.  The
rest stood there mumbling to each other: "it can't be *that* hot, can
it?".  Four more took the challenge.  I told them I onlyhad sympathy for
the first one because the rest should have known better after watching

I think 3/4 got the $5 (one puked in the corn field on the way home) and
all FOUR decided it wasn't worth the $5 :-)
