Re: [CH] Happy New Year!

Jim Graham (
Mon, 31 Dec 2007 00:06:25 -0600

On Sun, Dec 30, 2007 at 09:53:27PM -0600, Rob Solarion wrote:
> Yes, Miss Dewi, y'all have a happy new year!  Regards, Roberto

Frankly, after all I've been through this year with the cancer and the
horrific chemotherapy (the worst of the lot...made all the other chemo
and radiation stuff before look like child's play), I'm just happy to
see 2007 go away.  So, to 2007, I say, sod off!

I won't so much be celebrating the new year...I'll be celebrating the
END of this one...and I've already got dinner planned out:  it starts
out with  a couple of Thai spring rolls (my first attempt, and thanks to
the Thai lady who, with her husband, runs the local Thai Market, and who
has also taught me the Thai way---as opposed to the or way---to cook Thai food, they came out perfect the first time).
Then, after a bit, we move on to the main course:  Pad Thai (skip
"Round-eye hot", skip "Thai hot", skip "Nuclear", and go straight to

And to everyone's wishing you a great and happy new year!


PS:  When it comes to what I've learned about Thai cooking, I owe it all
     to one lady:  the lady who, with her husband, runs the "Thai Market"
     around the corner from where I live.  Basically, she taught me the
     Thai way to make Thai food, as opposed to the American (or other)
     chef's way to make what they think Thai food is like.  It's like
     any other type of cooking...e.g., you aren't likely to learn the
     right way to cook Mexican food in Chicago...but there's no better
     place to learn to make Chicago style stuffed pizza.....

73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | DMR: So fsck was originally called       |      something else.
< Running FreeBSD 6.1 > | Q:   What was it called?
ICBM / Hurricane:       | DMR: Well, the second letter was different.
   30.39735N 86.60439W  |    -- Dennis M. Ritchie, Usenix, June 1998.