[CH] Fermentation and the like

Jose Cisneros (jcisn@comcast.net)
Thu, 21 Feb 2008 16:33:05 -0500

Hey Chile-Heads,

The chemistry lessons are interesting......
Cleanliness is next to godliness for many.
Unless you were a follower of a band
called the Fugs.
They said that nextness was goddier than
than cleanliness.
I am a moderate in this respect.
I like a clean nextness.
My proclivities aside......
Making a pepper mash is easy.
It requires iodine free salt
Kosher is nice.
Sea salt is better.
Peppers of your choice.
17 percent alt by weight.
Easy huh?
Grind ye ye peppers
Add ye ye salt.
A few months later one has pepper mash.
Pepper mash can be turned into any sort
of pepper sauce.
I suppose the pepper secret police will now off me.
