[CH] Habanero Wine (pictorial) [_PART 1.5_]

John Gunterman (jgntrmn@gmail.com)
Tue, 4 Mar 2008 06:31:54 -0600

After a few days you should see active fermentation.
<a href="http://www.photodump.com/SandSquid/keylimeprimary.html">keylimeprimary.jpg</a>
<a href="http://www.photodump.com/SandSquid/keylimefoam.html">keylimefoam.jpg</a>

The yeast have finished reproducing and establishing a colony and have
entered their anaerobic phase....
This means millions of yeasties are eating sugars, and excrementing
alcohol, which is what we want!
At this point I put the batch under an air-tight lid and an air-lock
to keep bad things out, but allow CO2 (the other by-product of
feasting yeasts) to vent off.

Because I used the Nellie and Joe's that had preservatives in it (not
the "all natural" stuff) I had a devil of a time getting my yeast to
"break through" the 1/10 of 1% of Sodium Benzonate they use as a
I'll spare you the details of what I had to do to over-come it, but be
assured you want to use the all natural stuff! Any preservatives can
prevent fermentation, stall fermentation, or cause a stuck
fermentation. For a novice home-hobby vintner.This can quickly spiral
out of control and lead to several gallons of sweet fertilizer for
your compost pile. Trust me on this one. Not fun.

Stay tuned for the next episode; racking to a secondary (carboy) and
adding the habs!
(I just need to get my 2/3 blueberry/ 1/3 cranberry blend wine out of
the 3gal carboy and clean and sanitize it first.)

John G.  Somewhere between there and here.
http://timeanddate.com/s/1ep   <----Click there to find out what time
is it here.