[CH] Small Streams

Jose Cisneros (jcisn@comcast.net)
Sat, 15 Mar 2008 13:52:41 -0400

 Some say crick and some say creek.
But only a Tex-Mex would call a cricket a creekit.
If he happened to be fishing for bluegills with an
English speaking friend that is,  as in 'hey man! pass me the
creekits , lil' bastard cleaned my hook.'
Actually he would call it a chicharra.
But he wouldn't do that cause he's a polite kinda guy
and he know that most Americans can't (canna) roll
their R's.
He's not even sure that they can hear an R being rolled .
My dad read yellow as jello.
Which was because he grew up reading magazines printed in Spanish
and Spanish was his first language where
E is I and I is E and ja ja ja means ha ha ha and yelo  is ice.
I'm somewhat suspicious of my pronunciation of the word chipotle. It is 
a Spanish
corruption of an Indian word that neither the English or Spanish 
speakers quite do right .
What is this significant of this you might well ask?
Why nothing.......
Molecular jitterings of an unstable mind is all.
Burn me doused with water.

Eternally yours in peppers
