Re: [CH] I Say Po-tay-toe ....

Jose Cisneros (
Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:14:41 -0400

> "creek" is pronounced straight when referring to a member of an 
> Indian/Native American/Indigenous tribe of that name.
> It is pronounced "crick" in reference to a stream smaller than a river 
> and larger than a brook/branch/rill.
There are some that maintain that a crick is larger than a brook or rill 
and smaller than an a creek and a creek is smaller than a river.
That sorta feels right in my mind but I don't know why.
But it's also true that some would say crick and some would say creek 
when describing the same body of water depending on where the speaker is
Which has nothing at all to do with peppers except maybe there are some 
that say chi (chee)- pot - le and some that say chee-pottle.
Some that say chee-leh pepper and some that say chil-ee pepper.
All of which is very interesting.

Yourn in linguistic chaos,

Ho-SEH  (the O after the H is pronounced as in the BBC english word for 
(sorta like in Hoi Toide)
(the SEH is as in seth)
(oh never mind)