[CH] MythBusters on chillis and ways to tame the heat (or not)

Jim Graham (spooky130@cox.net)
Thu, 27 Mar 2008 00:24:32 -0500

It's on as I type this...no doubt will be repeated again and again and
again and again and ... ad nauseum.  Main topic seems to be shooting fish
in a barrel.

Anyways...it's amusing, if nothing else....


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | Remember your spelling rules, including:
spooky130@cox.net       |   I before E except after C
< Running FreeBSD 6.1 > | 
ICBM / Hurricane:       |   BEING a native-born American, I don't
   30.39735N 86.60439W  |   always notice our WEIRD spelling....