[CH] THe Bread

Byron (byronbromley@tellink.net)
Sun, 13 Apr 2008 20:26:38 -0400

Yes  Mark,   1  or  2  TBSP  of a  mild  chile  like  chimayo  is  
enough  to    "Kick  it  up  a  notch" 
add  some  nice  flavor   w/o  burning  a  new  a-hole

BTW  something  a  little  diff,  at  the  moment  I  am  munching  on 
a  jar  of  home made  Orange Mamalade with  some  mild  chiles.  Tangy  
enough  to  know  it,  mild  enough  to  prevent  system  burn  out.

Had  some  stuffed  green  peppers  tonight  with a  couple  tbsp  of  
chimayo's  in  the  "stuffing"
Yum. Just  my  2¢  on  the  easy  prep  side





You mean as opposed to 5 ounces of Red Savina?   :-)  (  From  Mark