RE: [CH] Open Fields 2008

Jeff Schickowski (
Sun, 11 May 2008 13:13:28 -0500

-----Original Message-----
>If our artist was any less timid (:-)), I liked the idea of iPod,
>therefore iAm- with a pic of us gathering chiles in the field.

I do like the idea. but I am also unwilling to develop a poster around it.

In my defense, The I-pod folks are becoming so aggressive in defending their
trademarks that I would hate to jeopardize anyone's livelihood (mine, Jim's
or anyone else in the Chilehead community)by producing a commercial product
using their product name (whether it means the same or not). Yes, there are
rights given for parody and editorial use but they draw a fairly distinct
line at anything containing their trademark that's going to be sold (at
least by someone who's not them).

Believe me, they have folks who do nothing but surf the web looking for
unauthorized usage of their stuff. And they're not afraid to throw their
weight around either!

So let's work out something in a different direction... Along somewhat the
same idea we could use..."Incendio ergo sum", "I burn therefore I am."

Thanks for reading this far,
