[CH] OT Beer

Byron (byronbromley@tellink.net)
Tue, 03 Jun 2008 17:04:05 -0400

 Commercial Examples:  Pilsner Urquell, Budweiser Budvar (Czechvar
   in the US), Staropramen    

Pilsner Urquell,  the orginal "Beer of Kings"  was  started in  1492  
and is still brewed and owned by the same family,  a few  generations later  

Budweiser  (like  politics, by passing  other  rules) tried  to by pass the Reinheitsgebot law  

This  says  ONLY malt, hops, yeast and water can  be  used.

Budweiser (and  most commercial brewers)  has  adjuncts,  which  is  not acceptable under  German law.