[CH] Tobasco

Byron (byronbromley@tellink.net)
Tue, 03 Jun 2008 18:56:07 -0400

A  dumb  question 

If  tobasco  was  already  the  name  of  a Chile  why  does 

McIlhenny's own the  rights  to  the  name  ??

I  can  see if  the  restaurant  used McIlhennys  tobasco  sauce  as  a  name  

I'm  reminded  of  the  red Savina Habanero  patent,  where  the  terms  Red  and Habanero  had  to be  dropped  because  there was a red  habanero  
already  in  production  

Kinda  like  Monsanto  wanting  to Patent Soil  
