Re: [CH] Pepper from Ecuador

JohnT (
Sun, 8 Jun 2008 13:42:49 -0500


I'm guessing it would be a C. pubescens.  Might be local name 'rocoto', 
'locoto', 'manzano' etc.  A thick-fleshed, hot species w/o overpowering 
flavors that is perfect for salsa.  Just by the sheerest coincidence I'm at 
this very moment canning some salsa using manzanos for heat.

Bolivia, Ecuador and Guatamala all have great native pubes.


----- Original Message ----- 
To: Chile Heads Owner ; chile-heads
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 12:50 PM
Subject: [CH] Pepper from Ecuador

Greetings all.  I have a friend who said that there is a wonderful salsa
that is made with a pepper from Ecuador   The salsa is also made with a tree
tomato.  Anyone have any ideas of the kid of pepper that is used.
