[CH] any suggestions for apple (must be cooked)/cayenne concoction?

Jim Graham (spooky130@cox.net)
Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:48:52 -0500

Might be a bit off-topic, but I see (from my procmail logs scrolling by)
that the fighting/bickering is still going on (all I see is a log entry
telling me the mail was directed to /dev/null, which for you non-Unix
types, is like a black hole...nothing that goes in can ever escape).

Ok...fresh/raw apples now appear to be on the danger list for my oral
allergy syndrome (foods trigger pollen allergies with, at least in my
case, a quick trip into anaphylaxis or full-blown anaphylactic shock).

So, I've got a whole bag of apples that I can't eat unless I cook them
(denatures the proteins that get confused with those in the true pollen
allergens, and the immune system doesn't trigger).

I'm also starting to get (in increasing quantities) cayennes that are
nice and red (of the peppers in my pepper garden, cayenne has always
been, by far, the first to produce good quantities of ripe peppers).

I'm just wondering how a cayenne-enhanced apple sauce would taste....
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  Would that be a good combination
of mildly hot/sweet?  And if so, does anyone know how to make apple sauce
from fresh apples?


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spooky130@cox.net       | Dave Aronson:    As your life flashes before
< Running FreeBSD 6.1 > |      your eyes, in the unit of time known as an
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   30.39735N 86.60439W  |