[CH] What's in the Ground

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:25:07 -0500

My re-planted peppers are safely in the ground, blood meal spread and 
chicken wire around the edge of the square-foot raised garden.  The bunnies 
are scampering around the outside looking dejected.  Tomatoes are in the 
second bed but the little floopy-eared critters don't bother them for some 
reason.  Hope it doesn't drive them to kill the 'maters because they can't 
get at the peppers.  I also stuck an eggplant in again this year. I usually 
don't have any luck with them; they just sit there, not growing, not dying 
just looking cute and green.  Then, when they finally decide to bloom and 
set fruit, it's too late for them to have time to fully grown and ripen. 
Iowa is strange this year.  We're not in the floods but the weather has been 
icky until this week.

Thanks for all the assistance on the bunny front.

CH #1146 of the Moderate Persuasion