[CH] Kudos to this List

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 20:38:37 -0500

Ya' know, I love this list and ALL my chile brothers and sisters.  People on 
this list have come through for me several times when I needed advice or 
assistance.  Be they moderates, fire-eaters or somewhere in between, pod 
munchers are a group apart.

I remember once, about 10-12 years ago, I was looking for an authentic 
Mongolian fire pot, the kind that burns charcoal in a center chimney.  You 
cook food in bubbling broth that is around the chimney in the body of the 
pot.  Well, I couldn't find anything nearby my tiny north Iowa town but I 
found one online.  It was exactly what I wanted but it was located in a 
little mom and pop Asian store in Denver that didn't ship items.

I got on CH and asked if anyone lived in Denver.  Got several replies and 
one of them knew exactly where this store was.  In fact, he drove past it 
daily on his way to and from work.  He stopped, purchased the pot, packaged 
it up and shipped it, all before he got a cent from me.  That level of trust 
really impressed me but after being on the list  all these years, I know 
it's not unusual.  The people on this list are generous, honest and 
dedicated to making life better, either by sharing seeds, sharing expertise 
or running errands.  Jim Campbell has given so much product to hotlucks over 
the years, all with no thought of payment and, in fact, refusing it when 

So...the point of all this is that it doesn't matter the format of the list, 
it doesn't matter if you like the heat or the flavor or both and it doesn't 
matter which Corps you enlist in.  Let's just keep our club intact, post 
when we can and stay true to the values and flavors of Chileheads.

Proud CH #1146