Re: [CH] Kudos to the list

Doug Irvine (
Thu, 19 Jun 2008 08:46:29 -0700

jim wrote:
> Well said, oh Grand Pooh Bear of the Moderates :-)
> I had need to identify a song from a movie & had not the first clue in how 
> to go about it... except asking this group.  Had said song, title, & author 
> in about two seconds it seemed :-)  
> I've also fire department stuff & friendships from all over the world 
> because of this list.  It is without being sappy I can say that my life would 
> truly have been different if not for it!  
> Ain't but been returning what I find :-)
And just look at some of the old goats you have found along the way! I 
never imagined when I first got on C-H list, how many folks whom I had 
never heard of before, would become good friends. In quite a number, to 
whom we have spoken by phone, some in person, and our lives would also 
have been much different without the friendship of some folks on this list.
People are a funny breed of cat! We mold friendships with others of our 
ilk for any number of reasons, some brought together by their church 
affiliation, some by the workplace, some by various hobbies, some by 
food, but truly, the folks brought together by their love of hot peppers 
  are certainly a diverse group, really held together by just this one 
thing, their love of the chile pepper, misnamed so long ago, as it ain't 
a pepper at all!
I was introduced to hot & spicy many years ago, on my first visit to 
Southern California, when a cousin, while we were out driving around, 
asked me if I would like a Mexican hamburger. I said Sure! And we 
stopped at a taco stand, where he got a couple of tacos, and loaded them 
down with chili peppers, and some funny tasting ketchup! Red stuff, 
anyway. Sure didn't taste like any I had before! That was away back in 
1945-46, when I was 20, and he was 24, just back from Guam! We are both 
still around....must be the chili peppers! But I never looked back to 
bland food after that, all those years ago. Thanks to all the folks on 
the list, whom have become friends and to whom I chat back and forth 
with, if not daily, but at least frequently.
My cousin took me to Olivera Street for a Mexican feast the next time we 
were out tooling around, and I was really hooked!
So, there is a little ancient history and the reason this old guy is a 
chile-head!   Cheers, Doug on Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada