[CH] Food Memories

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Thu, 19 Jun 2008 12:44:59 -0500

Alex wrote: <That makes me wonder, how many veterans came home from WWII, 
Korea, and Viet Nam, with a new-found taste for hot peppers they discovered 
in Asia?>

Funny you should ask that, Alex.

I just read something that said that those who were in Viet Nam and saw 
combat, having pretty much negative experiences there, still hate Asian food 
50 years later.  The opposite is true of those who served but did not see 
action (my husband is an example; he was in an office building in Hanoi 
where there was fighting all around but he was not directly in the line of 
fire).  These people love Asian food even after all this time.  I'm sure 
there is an emotional connection with many things we eat and enjoy....like 
Grandma's apple pie with memories from childhood (providing Granny was a 
decent cook)

CH #1146