[CH] Chaplin Rael?

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Fri, 20 Jun 2008 17:05:43 -0500

Chet wrote:
<PS - last little bit - Bro Rael should be the Chaplin because he has
been watching over all the maidens and is the keeper of the naked
twister game.  I think I recall him chanting as well.>

Well, Brother Rael may have been watching over the nubile among us and doing 
a fair bit of chanting but...if there is one word that does not describe 
him, IMHO, it's Moderate!  Something about an excess of all kinds of life 
experiences or something like that ;^)
Of course, it's his online persona that is leading me to believe this having 
not had the pleasure of speaking to him face to face.

Enlighten me, Rael!

CH #1146