[CH] I've been defined!

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Sat, 21 Jun 2008 15:59:35 -0500

Dana...I love your phrase: "Habaneros are great, but they run the risk of 
completely blowing away any modicum of subtlety."

That's it!  I don't want to blow away the only modicum of subtlety I 
possess.  In everything else in my life I'm flat out, all or nothing, do it 
while you can, strike while the iron's hot etc.  It's only in the area of 
chile heat that I am....SUBTLE!  Wow, I've never been defined as subtle in 
my entire life!  You have determined my place in the universe, Dana: a 
subtle chile eater.  Thank you, thank you, thank you ;^)

CH #1146...of the moderate and subtle persuasion