Re: [CH] Trying peony hoops this year

The Geissmans (
Mon, 30 Jun 2008 22:04:40 -0700

These are much too big for chiles, but I have
giant tomato cages from 6" reinforcing steel, the
kind that might be in a concrete driveway.

It's 5 feet wide and comes in 50' rolls.  Cut into
7 pieces about 7' long (2 will be 6" longer) and form
into circles a bit more than 2' in diameter, bending
the wire ends to lock them together.  They're very
strong and the 6" gaps are big enough to pick
tomatoes, weed, cultivate, etc.  For peppers, I use
smaller tomato cages, about 3' and let the plants
grow up through them.
