[CH] need hot sauce recipe help

Jim Graham (spooky130@cox.net)
Thu, 3 Jul 2008 07:19:25 -0500

This fire-eating moderate is looking for a good, flavorful hot sauce
recipe.  My habaneros are almost all still green, so I only have two,
which I just picked.  I have a bunch of cayenne, though, which I picked
a few mornings ago (3 oz by weight) and just now (4 oz) ... between
the two, it's probably about 4 cups of whole cayennes.

Here's what I have so far:

   * All of the above peppers (7 oz cayenne, 2 orange habs)
   * (?) (?) fresh/minced garlic
   * perhaps some red, white, and/or green onion?
   * ?
   * A case of empty Gila Venom (www.lizardsonthebayou) bottles (I
     still need to e-mail Liz and ask her to bring me another case!).
     These bottles are just waiting for some/all to be sanitized
     and filled.

A few details:  if anyone's ever had Liz's Gila Venom, you know the
kind of flavor I'm looking for.  I like sauces that bring out, not
dilute, the heat of the peppers, and bring their natural flavors
pouring out.  I don't like any detectable vinegar flavor at all, no
matter what kind it is (it's still vinegar).

Oh, other things I have to work with:

   * Thai chilli paste (the something-Oelek)
   * just a block away from home, "Thai Market" (fresh Thai chillis,
     spices, etc.)

Perhaps only part of the peppers are from my garden...I don't mind
boosting the heat and flavor with peppers from Thai Market---I know
theirs are fresh-grown in their garden, and I know the folks who
run the store...they're really cool.

Any ideas?


PS:  Interesting problem...one I haven't seen before:  my pepper plants
     are so full and thick that it's hard to see the peppers unless I
     look from many different angles, dig through the plants, etc.....
     One pot (habanero) fell over on its side due to the weight of the
     plant hanging over the edge too far for the pot to support.  :-)
     I LOVE IT!  This is going to be my best pepper garden ever!  :-)
     Now, if only the habaneros will all start to ripen, instead of
     one or two at a time, and the tabascos and chile pequins will
     just finally start to make some peppers (saw a CP blossom this

73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | "Now what *you* need is a proper pint of
spooky130@cox.net       | porter poured in a proper pewter porter
< Running FreeBSD 6.1 > | pot.."
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